References Alarcon, F.X. (1997). Laughing tomatoes and other spring poems. Childrens Book Press. Bentley, E.C. (retrieved 12-04-01). Untitled. Available Online at: Bryan, A. (1997). Ashley Bryans ABC of African American poetry. Aladdin Paperbacks. Carle, E. (1969). The very hungry caterpillar. Scholastic, Inc. Florian, D. (1994). Beast Feast. Hardcourt Brace & Company Hopkins, L. Bennett. (1977). Beat the drum, Independence day has come: Poems for the Fourth of July. Boyds Mills Press. Hopkins, L. Bennett. (1992). Flit, flutter, fly!. Dell Publishing Group. Hopkins, L. Bennett. (1980). Morning noon and nighttime too. Harper & Row Publishers Krull, K. (1992). Gonna sing my head off. Alfred A. Knopf Publishing. Lansky, B. (1994). A bad case of the giggles. Meadowbrook Press. Lansky, B. (1993). Its raining pigs & noodles. Scholastic, Inc. Lansky, B. (retrieved 10-20-01). Poetry Party. Available online at: Nye, N. Shihab. (1995). The tree is older than you are. Simon & Schuster Publishing. Silverstein, S. (1974). Where the sidewalk ends. HarperCollins Publishers. Simon, S. (1996). The heart. Scholastic, Inc. Sing, Jaclyn (retrieved 12-01-01). The River. Giggle Poetry website. Available Online at: Slier, D. (1993). The real Mother Goose book of American rhymes. Scholastic, Inc. Thoreau, H.D. (retrieved 9-20-01) Manhood. Collected by Katherine Eirmann. Available Online at: Viorst, J. (1981). If I were in charge of the world and other worries. Macmillan Publishing Wells, Rosemary. (1973). Noisy Nora. Dial Books for Young Readers. Whipple, L. (1994). Celebrating America. Putnam Publishing Group Wong, J.S. (2000). Night garden: Poems from the world of dreams. Simon & Schuster Publishing. Yolen, J. (1997). Once upon ice. Wordsong/Boyds Mills Press. *Obtain additional bibliographic information by clicking the link below. Arnold Adoff Complete Bibliography |