Arnold Adoff Seasons Poem


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Introduction: This poem describes clouds and thunderstorms, it would be best to share this poem during thunderstorm season or while learning about weather. This would also be a fun poem to have students perform.(click "What is poetry performance" from my home page)

Clouds Are Black

Dark Green This Afternoon
And They
Are Sitting Over Our Town
Just Rumb l i n g

With Their Bragging
N o i s e

Who Ordered
The Thunder
Who Ordered That Flash Of Lightning
Flashing From The
Who Ordered The Rest Of This Dark Sky

Who Asked This S t o r m To S t a y

by Arnold Adoff
from "In for Winter, Out for Spring"
by Arnold Adoff and Jerry Pinkney
(Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1991)

Extension: After reading this poem to your class it would be fun to have the students draw a picture of the storm they thought of when they heard the poem.