Introduction: This patriotic poem is fun to do with movements. Children of any age enjoy adding movements to poetry. As with any kind of performance, modeling is a must. It is important for the teacher to say the poem and model the movements first.
Our Flag (salute flag) How bright our flag against the sky (point up high) atop its flagpole straight and high! (salute flag) How bright the red, the white, the blue, (place right hand over heart) with what they stand for shining through. (raise arms showing muscles) More meaningful as years go by... (salute flag) how bright, how bright, the flag we fly.
Aileen Fisher Beat the Drum, Independence Day Has Come: Poems for the Fourth of July selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins illustrated by Tomie de Paola (Boyds Mills Press, 1977) Extension: After students have learned this poem it would be a great poem to recite before the Pledge of Allegiance each day. If students have another favorite patriotic poem, you could have them create some movements to go along with it. Make sure you have the poem posted for students to see along with the movements that accompany it.