Introduction: This is a fun poem for two groups to read. The parts are well defined so each group knows which part they are to read. The first group reads the lines on the left, the second group reads the lines on the right. The lines that are in the center are to be read by both groups simultaneously. It helps if the teacher points to the groups when they are supposed to read until they are comfortable with their parts. Teacher should read the poem aloud to the class first.
The Spaghetti Challenge My mom's spaghetti is the best; no other mom can beat it; and every time she cooks it I can hardly wait to eat it. I twist the strands around my fork with wonderful control, but as I raise them to my mouth they fall back in the bowl. I twirl the noodles once again with all the skill I'm able, but as I lift them up to eat they tumble to the table. I spin my fork; spaghetti winds around and round once more; but as it nears my waiting lips it slithers to the floor. My mom's spaghetti is the best; no other mom can beat it; but I would like it better if I got a chance to eat it. by Leslie D. Perkins
A Bad Case of the Giggles selected by Bruce Lansky illustrated by Stephen Carpenter (Meadowbrook Press, 1994) Extension: After having two groups read this poem aloud, you may want them to perform it for another class. It's wonderful for other classes to see poetry performed. Note: You may want to color code the parts as well. Each group would have a specific color and you could have another color for parts that both groups read. Have fun trying these in your classroom. |