Introduction: Bruce Lansky writes a lot of humerous poetry. Children of all ages love to laugh and sing. This is a poem that could be sung to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Students should know the poem before they are asked to sing it. The teacher should sing the poem to the tune before students are expected to. *It's a good idea to sing it when you're alone first, just for practice. Clear As Mud I go to bed each morning. I wake up every night. I spill my milk at breakfast, and then turn on the light. Each day I miss the school bus. I never have been late. I don't turn in my homework. My teacher thinks I'm great. My favorite game is basketball. I cannot sink a shot. We haven't won a single game. Our team is getting hot. Last year I was in high school. Now I'm in second grade. Next year I'll be in daycare. I'll really have it made! When I grow up, I'm hoping a baby I can be: a pacifier in my mouth, my cradle in a tree. This poem's so confusing. It's all so crystal clear. Perhaps I'll understand it when I am born next year. Bruce Lansky Poetry Party (Meadowbrook Press, retrieved 10-20-01 available online at: ) Extension: After singing this poem several times with your students, you could have them use musical instruments to add a little pizzaz. Then they could perform it for another class or it could be added to a performance for parents. (Grown ups like to laugh too.) Make sure to have the poem posted where the students can read it. |