Introduction: This poem is about eating peanutbutter on bread. It would be a good poem to read when learning about nutrition. Grains is the part of the food pyramid that we need the most of and this poem mentions healthy natural brown bread. What a wonderful way to bring up healthy eating habits. It also mentions eating something healthy before coming to school, many children skip breakfast. Good For The Head Good For The Head when you need more sleep but you are at the breakfast table instead not ready for school some quiet cream of peanut butter on a piece of natural brown bread by Arnold Adoff from "Eats Poems" by Arnold Adoff Illustrated by Susan Russo (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1979) Extension: After reading this poem to your class you could have a healthy snack of peanutbutter on wheat bread. A class discussion of what we had for breakfast this morning might also be appropriate. |